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Thompson Center 8235 Supr Glide Sabots 50C/300g Bonded in Grand Rapids, Michigan For Sale

Thompson Center 8235 Supr Glide Sabots 50C/300g Bonded
Price: $15
Type: Sport, For Sale - Private.

A revolution in sabot design. The Super Glide is the first sabot that can be loaded easily with one hand. Space age synthetic material is used to create this easy loading sabot. The two pedal design supports the bullet for optimal rotational stability and breaks away when exiting the muzzle for match grade accuracy. Four pedal sabots can not match the accuracy of the Super Glide Sabot. These sabots are designed to withstand the high pressures of magnum loads.
Manufacturer: Thompson Center
Model: xxxx
Condition: New
Price: $15.00
Availability: In Stock

State: Michigan  City: Grand Rapids  Category: Sport
Sport in Michigan for sale

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