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Martial Arts Instructional Videos - Joint Locks and Pressure Points in Grand Rapids, Michigan For Sale

Price: $50
Type: Sport, For Sale - Private.

Martial Arts enthusiasts. . .. . training getting a little bit boring? Tired of the seemingly endless Karate/Kung Fu/Tae Kwon Do striking, punching and kicking drills? Why not give Pressure Point fighting and Joint Lock fighting a try?
Many of the more prominent martial arts such as Karate, Kung Fu, Tae Kwon Do, Aikido, Kickboxing, Judo and Jiu Jitsu are somewhat intertwined. When it comes to striking and grappling techniques it is hard to tell where one discipline leaves off and the next begins. With most of these martial arts there is little focus in disabling an opponent with Pressure Point Fighting and Joint Locks.
The lesser known martial techniques of Dim Mak (Chinese Pressure Point Fighting) and Chin Na (Chinese Joint Locks) are actually more effective in overcoming an aggressive opponent, yet don't require all the rigors, wear and tear on muscles, bones, joints, tendons and ligaments that the more traditional martial artists experience. Do you have the flexibility of Jean Claude Van Damme? Who does? Are you ever going to? Do you really need to? In Dim Mak you are seldom striking with your knuckles or a closed fist which is so prominent in the more traditional martial arts like Karate. Most Dim Mak blows are struck with the butt of the hand, the palm of the hand, or a Karate style chop with the edge of the hand.
These martial art techniques are sometimes known by other names:
? The Japanese version of Dim Mak is known as Kyusho Jitsu (Japanese Pressure Point Fighting)
? The Japanese version of Chin Na is known as Tuite Jitsu (Japanese Joint Locks)
? Hapkido is a Korean martial art that encompasses both Pressure Point Strikes and Joint Locks.
Our collection of over 240 videos includes over 48 hours of instruction. 44 of these videos are full length (1/4 hour to 2 hour) instructional videos from some of the finest Dim Mak & Chin Na instructors in the world totaling more than 35 hours of instruction.
Also included are more than 200 short to medium length videos (each 15 minutes in length or less) totaling over 13 additional hours and featuring many dozens of specific Dim Mak Pressure Point techniques and Chin Na Joint Locking techniques. These instructional Dim Mak and Chin Na videos are not about breaking boards or cinderblocks. They are about survival.
All told we offer over 48 hours of graphically illustrated instruction from the USA, United Kingdom, Europe, Australia, The Philippines, India, Taiwan, China, Korea and Japan for one low price of $50.00. To learn more, please visit my website at YOU CAN EMAIL ME THRU MY WEBSITE.

State: Michigan  City: Grand Rapids  Category: Sport
Sport in Michigan for sale

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