DMT W7EFC Kit of 3 Mini Dmnd Whetstone/Shth in Grand Rapids, Michigan For Sale
Price: $13
Type: Sport,
For Sale
- Private.
Micron sized monocrystalline diamonds are securely bonded in nickel that is electroplated to precision ground steel. An injection molded polycarbonate base increases the structural rigidity needed to maintain a flat sharpening surface.The innovative pattern of the recessed dots is key to the DMT difference. By providing a space into which metal fines produced from sharpening can be cleared, the dots keep the diamond surface clean for fast and efficient hone of all materials.Individual Sizes: 2.75" X 1" X .25"
Manufacturer: DMT
Model: W7EFC
Condition: New
Price: $13.64
Availability: In Stock