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Davis Deluxe Mark 25 Master Sextant (25) in Grand Rapids, Michigan For Sale

Davis Deluxe Mark 25 Master Sextant (25)
Price: $239
Type: Sport, For Sale - Private.

Mark 25 Sextant#025The top of the line Davis plastic sextant, the Mark 25 features our Beam Converger™ mirror, sometimes referred to as a "full horizon mirror". A special coating is applied to high quality optical glass to allow the user to see through this mirror, yet still pick up images as faint as low-light stars.The Mark 25 is illuminated by a long-life LED and made of an upgraded plastic that is very stable.Comes with instruction booklet.
Manufacturer: Davis Instruments
Model: 25
Condition: New
Availability: In Stock

State: Michigan  City: Grand Rapids  Category: Sport
Sport in Michigan for sale

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