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COLT M4 AR-15 MT6601 in Grand Rapids, Michigan For Sale

Price: $1,500
Type: Sport, For Sale - Private.

GRADED 98% w/less than 200 down pipe--EXCELLENT COND.Silver Bullet added NEW rail upper, rail gas block, Troy M4 folding front/rear battle sights, NEW Blackhawk 44" padded DUAL nylon case.20" HBAR barrel, 1:7 twist, fixed stock. Comes w/orig A2 handle upper and A2 gas block.5 NEW in plastic 30 Gen 3 Blk Magpull Mags and 2 30 rd Metal Mags.
$xxxx w/any questions 616-706-xxxx Keeping my xxxx Magpul edition and want to share this fine M4. Thanks for looking

State: Michigan  City: Grand Rapids  Category: Sport
Sport in Michigan for sale

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