Blackhawk - Single-Point AR-15 Storm Quick Disconnect Sling -... in Grand Rapids, Michigan For Sale
Price: $18
Type: Sport,
For Sale
- Private.
Blackhawk's Storm single-point sling QD (Quick Disconnect) is perfect for carrying your AR-15/M4 rifle or tactical shotgun with its adjustable design and side release tri-glide buckle. Constructed of heavy-duty 1.25" nylon webbing, this single-point sling has a 300 lb. test rating. The Storm QD single-point sling adjusts from 30" to 50" allowing this model to carry your rifle closer to the ready than other versions. Additionally, this design allows the sling to remain on your shoulder after disconnecting allowing for an easier change-out of various firearms.
Manufacturer: BLACKHAWK
Condition: New
Availability: In Stock