45 Caliber 400 Gr FN SP (Per 50) in Grand Rapids, Michigan For Sale
Price: $24
Type: Sport,
For Sale
- Private.
Speer xxxx 45 Caliber 400 Gr FN SP (Per 50)
45 Flat Nose SP-Soft Point
Diameter: .458""
Weight: 400
Ballistic Coefficient: 0.214
Box Count: 50
Speer offers a number of bullets of conventional construction that pack all the accuracy and performance of newer Speer designs. The hollow point versions are among the most accurate bullets, and the 22-caliber varmint soft points remain among their most popular items. The 30 caliber Plinker is great for practice or training new centerfire shooters.
Note: These are component bullets, not loaded ammunition."Model: SPER xxxx
Price: $24.23
Source: http://www.sportsmanstooloutfitters.com/index.php?dispatch=products.view&product_id=538